Monthly Reflection: Rest & Relaxation

Jalene Hahn |

Quote: “In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you” – Deepak Chopra


  • We can’t change the frenetic pace of the world around us, but we can decide how we will respond to it.


  • Consider how your choices contribute to your stress and depletion. Take radical steps to protect regular periods of quiet stillness.


  • Identify people, places, and things that help you achieve internal equilibrium. Make sure they are a regular part of your life.


Question: How would you describe your relationship with rest?


  • In a culture that puts productivity on a pedestal, it can be difficult to slow down, be still, and embrace rest.


  • Relaxation isn’t just a nice-to-have, it’s a necessity. It is impossible to reach our full potential if we aren’t sufficiently recharged. Everything requires balance.


  • Give yourself permission to stop. Rest and relaxation don’t need to be earned, and they aren’t wasted time.


Quill: Sleep loss leads to the withdrawal of human helping across individuals, groups, and large-scale societies Eti Ben Simon, Raphael Vallat, Aubrey Rossi, Matthew P. Walker


  • You aren’t the only person adversely impacted by your lack of sleep. Did you know that when you are not well-rested, it decreases the likelihood that you’ll be willing to help others?


  • Both the quality and quantity of our sleep influence how we choose to respond to people who are in need and affect our levels of generosity. Sleep deprivation has an adverse effect on parts of our brain that are implicated in altruistic behavior.


  • Be protective of your sleep, not only for your own health but for the betterment of those around you.