Free Shredding Event  - Sponsored by Wisdom, Wealth, Abundance, LLC 

Thursday, May 30, 2024 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.  

Mill Race Center, 900 Lindsey St., Columbus, IN  


What to Bring for Shredding: 

1. Junk mail - Junk mail comes in every day. Your personal data may be included in those garbage mailers and credit card offers. Given merely your name, address, and a credit offer, someone could take out a line of credit in your name and spend money, leaving you on the hook.  

2. Medical prescription labels - Prescription labels contain private information, including your name, contact information, and doctor’s name. Someone could use the information fraudulently to refill your prescriptions or get access to your healthcare information and medical background.  

3. Photos and old IDs - Thieves can use your old pictures or IDs maliciously to fake their identity.  

4. Travel itineraries - Thieves can use your travel itineraries to rebook flights and hotels or gain access to your accounts. QR codes on Boarding passe may contain your personally identifiable information. 

5. Shipping labels - If it has a plastic pouch with an insert, like a receipt, an order form, or a confirmation, it likely has personally identifiable information.  

6. Memos and notes - Have a little pad of sticky notes next to your computer? Those handwritten notes are incredibly convenient, super easy to use, and likely contain personal information that you don’t want identity thieves to get their hands on. What was written when the doctor called? What was jotted down during that client call? Did you scribble any passwords while on a call with IT? To be safe, include those used notes on your shred list. 

7. Resumes and CVs - Resumes often contain personal information, like telephone numbers, email and home addresses, and job or education history, identity theft is a potential risk.  

8. Bank/Credit Card statements and canceled checks/receipts - Even old/closed statements should be shredded. Your name, address, phone number, and bank account information are in those statements, along with your habits, purchases, and banking history. Physical copies or reprints of canceled checks from your bank.  


When in doubt, have it shredded! 


Jalene has been a frequent speaker at various community events and conferences. Here are some sample topics she has presented:

  • Retirement Readiness for Cummins Employees 
  • Making the Most of Your Company Benefits 
  • Know Your Numbers: Improving Health & Wealth 
  • Confused About Saving for Retirement? A Look at Various Retirement Saving Options 
  • Under the Hood – A Look at Portfolio Construction for Volatile Markets 
  • Suddenly Single – Preparing or Coping with Divorce or Widowhood 
  • Caring for Aging Parents 
  • Questions Adult Children Have for Their Parents 
  • College Planning – It’s Never Too Early 
  • Teaching Kids About Money 
  • Indiana College Choice 529 Plan 
  • Yours, Mine & Ours – Communication is the Key 
  • Fiscal Fitness Building Blocks 
  • More Month Than Money 
  • Meeting Charitable Interests with Your Annual Required Minimum Distributions 
  • Why Smart People Do Dumb Stuff with Money 
  • Breaking the Money Silence – Learning How to Talk About Money 
  • Prince Charming Isn’t Coming (multi-day workshop) 

Contact Jalene next time you need a speaker for an event.


Check back soon for  more upcoming events.