Quote “Tradition is not to preserve the ashes but to pass on the flame.”- Gustav Mahler
Traditions aren’t meant to be stagnant relics–they’re supposed to be living legacies.
Be conscious about the traditions you choose to keep alive. Make sure that you’re not repeating a ritual that has expired and doesn’t add value to your life.
Traditions aren’t merely about upholding the past. The best things we repeatedly do are timeless acts that inspire a better future.
Question What is a new financial tradition you’d like to establish?
We often think of traditions as rituals that have been passed on to us, but every tradition has to start with someone, somewhere.
Get creative. What’s a financial practice you could start today that would promote flourishing tomorrow?
As you craft a plan, consider what you want to leave for those who will follow in your footsteps. Imagine impact and think of legacy.
Beyond material assets, what someone leaves for their heirs encapsulates the essence of who they are—their hard work, dreams, and what they held dear. Inheritance isn’t just about the ‘what’—often, it contains the ‘why.’ Bequests are the closing act—a final opportunity to extend influence beyond our earthly presence.
Is someone who receives an inheritance more likely to leave one to his own child? When it comes to giving, our past is often a prologue. There is a strong relationship between what we’ve received and what we intend to leave for future generations.
To honor what has been entrusted to you, steward your resources with intention. Are you using all you’ve been given with care? Remember: you’re creating the legacy you’ll leave through your choices today.