Financial Planning Management for Women | WWA Planning & Investments


Here's the bottom line: nearly all women will become the sole financial decision maker in their household at some point in their lives. To achieve short- and long-term financial goals, such as enjoying their retirement years without the fear of outliving their savings, women need to start saving and investing early and often. And they need to commit to communicating openly about money. 

Every woman is unique in her own right but many face similar issues: 

  • Women generally earn less over their lifetime.
  • Women tend to be risk averse, missing opportunities for asset growth.
  • Women often put loved ones first and spend more time out of the workforce either raising children or caring for extended family.
  • Women have longer life expectancies on average and need to plan for an extended retirement.

In addition, women who find themselves suddenly single through death or divorce face the challenge of identifying today’s needs while setting and working toward tomorrow’s goals. These tasks can seem overwhelming for women in transition.

Taking the financial initiative can feel like a daunting process but it is not something a woman has to do on her own. WWA is here to partner with you. WWA Advisors listen to you and work with you to understand the specifics of your situation. WWA combines the elements of your unique situation with our knowledge of the financial realities that confront women when crafting your financial plan. 

Financial Planning Management for Women | WWA Planning & Investments